Steve Gilbert

GILBERT: We can do better with sustainable development

GILBERT: We can do better with sustainable development

Published in Post & Courier - Reviewing several new large developments in the Charleston area, I have become convinced that it is far past time for developers to shift development practices in order to achieve new sustainable development in light of higher flooding potentials and large losses of valuable ecosystem elements.

Help Support Shorebird Nesting

Help Support Shorebird Nesting

SCWF is one of many organizations supporting a new SCDNR S.C. Coastal Bird Conservation Program to protect and restore rapidly disappearing coastal bird habitat.  The pilot project is to raise approximately $2 million for the cost share needed for the restoration of Crab Bank with dredged material from the Charleston Harbor Deepening Project. Crab Bank, an island created in Charleston Harbor with dredged material and former home to thousands of nesting coastal birds, has eroded to the point that it is unsuitable for bird use. 

Offshore tests a risk for whales

Offshore tests a risk for whales

In a recent Post and Courier article, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration expressed great concern about the recovery of the endangered right whale. There are only about 450 left and 17 of them have died so far in 2017. There are only 100 breeding females. The Northeast regional administrator for NOAA Fisheries stated: “You have to use the extinction word, because that’s where the trend lines say they are.”

Atlantic Seismic Testing

Atlantic Seismic Testing

SCWF is part of a large coalition of National, State and Local groups that have been actively fighting oil and gas exploration and development off of our precious coast.  We are vehemently opposed to drilling off of our coasts as it would lead to great losses of our fisheries and our tourist industry.  Since seismic testing is the first step along the pathway to drilling and is itself harmful, we are also opposed to this harmful practice.