WHY - This board is important not only for conservation purposes for the now, but also for the when. As someone who loves spending time outdoors and inspiring others to get outdoors, the importance of conservation, restoration, and education has never been more important. I serve on this board to help better serve our state and everyone who comes in contact with the beautiful landscapes, animals, plants, water, faces, and places we have to offer.

BIO - South Carolina native Anastasia Elizabeth Patterson is 26 years old. Anastasia was raised in a family whose culture was embedded with a passion for all outdoor sports and nature – generations of hunters in their family’s Sportsman’s Club. Before she could even walk, her dad carried her like a croaker sack on every trip to the water and woods. Adventure in the outdoors was not a pastime hobby but a way of life. A life she loves.

Competitiveness was in her blood... Her dad saw the light sparkle in her eyes whenever she set the hook on a fish, and he watched in awe at her heartfelt fire for fishing. By the time she graduated from high school and went off to college in 2014, Anastasia had pretty much written off that fishing would be something she could only do recreationally. There was not a team at college nor was there much interest among other students, and the college deemed it a “non-sport”.

Eventually, though, she became a founding member of the Presbyterian College Bass Fishing Team. While on the college team she served as the team’s Vice President, Communications Director, Treasurer, and Secretary, as well as marketing affairs. With 7 top 10’s in state tournaments, the team also fished the South Carolina Special Olympics, South Carolina Bass Duels, and Presbyterian College Parson Mount Back-to-Back Champion.

Since college, Anastasia has continued tournament fishing — notching a second-place finish on the USA Bass side of the 2022 ICAST Cup — and remains heavily involved in the fishing industry.

She is determined to fuel the desire of her dream, driven, and faithful with each season. She strives to be a mentor and advocate for women and girls to diversify the industry. To passionately fish with purpose where she is one with her faith as she dares to live her dream.

Anastasia’s ultimate goal is to make it into the Elite Series - a feat no woman has accomplished…yet.

She currently also is the Event Manager for Clarendon Club in Summerton.